The world we live in today we deal with many stressors which are 3 primary ones, physical, chemical, and emotional. My main focus is to identify what stressors are yours so we can get your body back to functional health.

This process may require advanced lab testing to help determine the areas that need attention. The process may also be simple with nutritional and lifestyle changes. I like to focus on building a strong foundation through nutrition, digestion and stress support. This allows me to ensure you have better results for other areas like, hormone balancing, restoring the gut, blood sugar regulation, weight loss, and many more possible areas.

The initial consultation is the best way to find out what the best plan will be for you moving forward. At this appointment we discuss where we need to start.

From there I may recommend lab testing and supplementation. Labs can be anything from stool analysis, blood test or urine test.

About Me

So happy you’re here!  My name is Missy.

I’ve struggled with health issues most of my life.  When I looked into a more holistic approach – and actually started seeing results from it – I knew I wanted to help others who were in the same boat.  

That’s why I started Pathway to Wellness.

I began to notice how many people are looking for better ways to deal with their health issues.  It’s just hard to know where to start.  So I went back to school to become certified in functional and holistic medicine as well as become a health coach.

I love to learn and am always taking classes offered by lab, supplement, and nutrition companies.  There’s always something new to learn, especially because each person is so unique!

The more I learn about the body the more I’m amazed by how God has provided us with everything we need to put the pieces back together.

When I’m not utilizing my knowledge as a functional medicine expert, you can find me out in nature.  It’s so, so good for the mind and body!  Hiking, kayaking, and anything that involves the beach are some of my favorite ways to enjoy God’s creation.

I love helping people get their lives back so they can continue to enjoy their favorite things.